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Honda Sh 50 Manual Download: The Ultimate Resource for Honda Sh 50 Owners


The Troubleshooting section is a guide to diagnose problems. Read the appropriate sections of your Honda manual before performing any work. Improper repair and/or maintenance could result in death or serious injury. The following check list of possible operating troubles and their probable causes will be helpful in keeping a motorcycle in good operating condition. More than one of these conditions may be causing the trouble and all should be carefully checked.

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Honda Sh 50 Manual Download

Use of the Driver Assistant within XCAP,provides convenient configuration of frame buffer memoryallocation. The following information allows manual configuration,correcting problems, or integration with an OEM's procedures.

Use of the Driver Assistant within XCAP,provides convenient configuration of forceful frame buffer memoryallocation. The following information allows manual configuration,correcting problems, or integration with an OEM's procedures.

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to avoid use and pixci.rc (and the implied use of Linux' /etc/rc for automatically loading of drivers duringboot), and instead manually load the driver when needed.

For manual installation, correcting problems, or integrationwith an OEM's procedures, installation instructions are provided intext file hardlock/INSTALL within the XCAPinstallation directory. Alternately, see the hardlock/drv/src_i386/Makefile for compiling theparallel port key driver under the current kernel, the hardlock/drv/pinst shell file for installing theparallel port key driver, and the hardlock/sbin/dinst shell file for installing the USBkey daemon, all within the XCAP installation directory.

XCAP is a family of sophisticated, interactive, imaging programsspecifically designed to support the PIXCI series of framegrabbers, but also able to process and analyze images from otherimaging sources. Several versions of XCAP are available: XCAP-Plus,XCAP-Std, XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer. All versions sharethe same user interface and menu structure, but selected featuresin XCAP-Std, XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer are notoperational. XCAP is distributed on CD/DVD, or downloadable fromthe EPIX, Inc. website. After installation, a 12 characteractivation or ID code[6] is entered to configure XCAP as eitherXCAP-Plus, XCAP-Std, XCAP-Ltd,[7] or XCAP-Lite; or, lacking a validactivation or ID code, configured as XCAP-Viewer.

The Refresh forces the displayed image to be redrawn once;normally manual refresh is not needed, but occasionally, when theimage was (partly) covered and uncovered by other window(s), thedisplayed image might ''forget'' to be updated.

The Lens Control - Birger EF232 allowscontrolling the aperture and focus of a compatible lens via aBirger EF232 Lens Mount. Both manual aperture and focus control,through the GUI, as well as automatic aperture and focus control,in response to the image intensity and sharpness, are provided.

Notes: (A) For XCAP-Lite, the PIXCI frame grabber isassumed installed and open for use, otherwise XCAP-Lite providesthe same features as XCAP-Viewer. Use of XCAP-Plus, XCAP-Std, orXCAP-Ltd with missing authorization key provides the same featuresas XCAP-Lite. Use of XCAP without activation code, or never havingbeen configured for an authorization key, provides the features ofXCAP-Viewer.(B) The Save, Import, and Export Graphic features are notavailable in XCAP-Viewer, XCAP-Lite, or XCAP-Ltd.(C) For XCAP-Viewer, images may not be saved; images may notbe loaded directly from an Internet URL. For XCAP-Lite, Save ImageSequence is only available in TIFF format; images may not be loadeddirectly from, or saved to, an Internet URL; and does not supportimage ''stack'' options.(D) For XCAP-Lite, the Sequence Capture to Image Files onlysupports TIFF format.(E) The maximum amount of frame buffer memory is dependent ona the characteristics of the PIXCI imaging card, the operatingsystem, and of XCAP software. The PIXCI CL3SD and SI2 haveon-board frame buffer memory, other PIXCI imaging cards usecomputer based frame buffer memory. The PIXCI CL1, CL2, D,D24, D32, D2X, D3X, SI, SV2, SV3, SV4, and SV5 are designed toaccess up to 4 GB of computer memory. The PIXCI A110,A310, D3XE, E1, E1DB, E4, E4DB, E4G2-2F, E4G2-4B, E4G2-F2B,E4TX2-2F, E4TX2-4B, E4TX2-F2B, E8, E8CAM, E8DB, e104x4-2f,e104x4-4b, e104x4-f2b, EB1, EB1G2, EB1-PoCL, EB1G2-PoCL, EB1mini,miniH2B, miniH2F, miniH2x4F, mf2280, EC1, ECB1, ECB1-34, ECB2, EL1,EL1DB, ELS2, SI1, SI4, SV7, and SV8 are designed to access up to16 EiByte of computer memory (a theoretical limit, as nocurrently available computer system provides 16 EiByte ofmemory). For XCAP-Lite, a maximum of 256 MiByte of computerbased frame buffer memory is supported (but allows one fullresolution image buffer w/out size restriction). On 32 bit systems,XCAP-Plus, XCAP-Std, and XCAP-Ltd support up to 4 GiBytes ofcomputer based frame buffer memory. On 64 bit systems, XCAP-Plusand XCAP-Std supports up to 16 EiByte of computer based framebuffer memory; XCAP-Ltd supports up to 8 GiByte of computerbased frame buffer memory. The maximum available computer basedframe buffer memory is also limited by the computer hardware,configuration, and memory used by the operating system and otherapplications.(F) Camera specific controls provided for cameras supported byPIXCI E8CAM, ELS2, SI, SI1, SI2, and SI4, and for many digitalcameras supported by PIXCI CL1, CL2, CL3SD, D, D24, D32, D2X,D3X, D3XE, E1, E1DB, E4, E4DB, E4G2-2F, E4G2-4B, E4G2-F2B,E4TX2-2F, E4TX2-4B, E4TX2-F2B, E8, E8DB, e104x4-2f, e104x4-4b,e104x4-f2b, EB1, EB1G2, EB1-PoCL, EB1G2-PoCL, EB1mini, miniH2B,miniH2F, miniH2x4F, mf2280, EC1, ECB1, ECB1-34, ECB2, EL1, andEL1DB; the 'PIXCI Camera Info' feature shows the specific,customized, support provided for each camera.(G) For XCAP-Lite and XCAP-Viewer, the Palette feature doesnot include save, load, import, or export, nor the ''ExtractBright/Dark Reference'' features.(H) The Save Data feature is not available in XCAP-Viewer.(I) For XCAP-Lite and XCAP-Viewer, the Pixel Plot feature doesnot include statistics, save, export, or multi-image ''stack'' or''plank'' options. For XCAP-Viewer, the Pixel Plot feature does notinclude printing.(J) For XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer, the Modify, Setfeature does not include non-rectangular regions.(K) For XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer, the Measurefeatures do not include calibration.(L) For XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer, the Line Profileis limited to straight lines.(M) Subject to the amount of frame buffer memory versus imageresolution yielding more than one frame buffer.(N) Software implemented White Balance and Color Corrections(in contrast to a camera's feature) is provided for SILICONVIDEO and other selected cameras; XCAP-Lite providesautomatic, continuous, white balance (AWB) only for SILICONVIDEO cameras. The XCAP-Lite does not provide custom colorcalibration from a Macbeth chart or other color reference.(O) Software implemented AGC/AEC (in contrast to a camera'sfeature) is provided for selected cameras; of those, XCAP-Liteprovides AGC/AEC only for SILICON VIDEO cameras.(P) For XCAP-Lite, the Sequence Capture does not include thegraphic overlay of time stamp features, nor the strobe featuresadded by software (as selected in the Sequence Capture dialog); anystrobe features provided by the PIXCI frame grabber or camera(either inherent or selected in the Capture & Adjust dialog)are available.(Q) For XCAP-Lite, ''triggered'' sequence capture is providedwhen the camera is, itself, triggered (often referred to as ''AsyncReset Mode''); sequence capture from a free-running camera wherethe trigger or event is handled separately is not provided.(R) For XCAP-Lite, the image printing feature only supportsuse of the operating system's image printing feature(s), notprinting via EPIX imaging drivers.(S) The Save Graphics, Save Data, Export Data, or multi-image''stack'' features are not available in XCAP-Viewer or XCAP-Lite.The Print feature is not available in XCAP-Viewer.(T) For XCAP-Lite, the sequence capture to virtual memory islimited to using 1 GiByte of virtual memory For XCAP-Ltd, thesequence capture to virtual memory is limited to using4 GiByte of virtual memory. The operating system'sconfiguration may impose additional limitations.(U) Interactive control of the lens is provided, but notautomatic aperture or automatic focus features in XCAP-Viewer orXCAP-Lite.(V) Software implemented Pixel Normalization or Flat FieldCorrection (in contrast to a camera's feature) is provided forSILICON VIDEO and other selected cameras; of those, XCAP-Litedoes not provide Pixel Normalization in generic Camera Linkmode.(W) Frame-less full screen is not available in XCAP-Lite,XCAP-Viewer, or under Linux.(X) Software implemented Contrast Enhancement (in contrast toa camera's feature) is provided for selected cameras; of those,XCAP-Lite provides manual, but not automatic contrastenhancement.(Y) The Save Graphics, Save Data, Copy Data, and DescriptiveStatistics features are not available in XCAP-Viewer orXCAP-Lite.(Z) The Contrast and other enhancements of the magnified areanot available in XCAP-Ltd.(W95) Feature available only under Windows 95, 98, and ME.(Win) Feature available only under Windows.


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